Messages from April 2023

Messages from April 2023

The Unseen Enemy

We may not think about it, but we are in a spiritual battle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual powers led by Satan himself who works to accuse, deceive, and tempt us in ways that destroy our relationship with God. By knowing his tactics, we are better able to defeat him. Unseen Enemy Today we continue our series on the Unseen. Even though we can’t see this realm with our eyes, it gives meaning and purpose to our…

The Cosmic Drama

If you want to understand what God is doing in your life, you have to understand the bigger story God is writing. This Cosmic Drama is detailed through the pages of the Bible and when we understand where our lives fit in this much larger story, it gives us answers to some of life’s most daunting questions. When You Don’t Know the Whole Story Have you ever walked into a room where someone is watching television and sat down partway…

Faith In The Unseen

Only 10% of an iceberg can be seen above water. In the same way, we can only see a tiny part of our reality with our physical eyes. Instead, so much lurks beneath the surface of the physical world we can see, touch, and measure. Unless we put our belief in the unseen world, much of our lives will never make sense. That’s where faith comes in – faith is believing in things unseen, because what is unseen actually makes…

What Does Easter Mean To You?

Easter marks the resurrection of Jesus, his coming to new life and leaving the empty tomb behind. But more than a single event, Easter impacts our lives in the here and now and for all eternity. In this Easter message, Pastor Ryan discusses why everything had to happen this way, and what the resurrection proves about Jesus and about our eternity. Easter Today is Easter. Because of that, both here and at nearly every other church in the world, church…

Temple of God

The very presence of God no longer resides in any special location on this earth, but the Bible tells us that instead the church, the gathering of Jesus’ followers, makes up his home on this earth. So rather than going to where God dwells, God has chosen to dwell among his people. This truth is what makes the church sacred and holy to God. Temple Today we conclude our series on the church, the Ekklesia, the gathered people of God.…