Welcome to First Baptist

Sunday School at 9:00am
Worship Service at 10:15am



God Is Jealous

Today we’ll talk about an aspect of God that I suspect most people don’t consider when they think about God. This is strange because the Bible clearly points out this trait over 20 times in the pages of scripture. It’s obvious that God says, “I am [this trait],” yet, most people don’t ever look at God through this lens.

God Is Relational

Today we continue our “God Is _____” series. If you have been paying attention, you may have noticed that some of the attributes of God’s character seem almost at odds with each other. If you recall, immediately after we talked about how God is holy, perfect and righteous, we also saw how God is loving, kind, compassionate and merciful. We see God as finite and totally unlike us; and yet in Genesis 2 the Bible tells us we are made in HIS image.

God Is Sovereign

Series Recap We’re past the halfway point in our “God Is” series, so it’s time for a quick review of where we’ve been. God’s Sovereignty Defined “Sovereignty” isn’t a word we use often. It’s a word that describes the power, authority and position a ruler holds. The sovereignty of rulers enables them to exercise their will over their domains. In the United States, since we have duly elected officials with a purposefully crafted balance of powers, we don’t talk much…

Blog Posts

Savior and Lord

Unfortunately, you can’t make Jesus your Savior, but not accept him as Lord.  He must be both.  James 2:26 tells us that faith without deeds is dead.  A belief that Jesus saves without submitting to Jesus as Lord is described by James as a dead faith. 

Love Your Church

Churches come in all shapes and sizes. Keep looking until you find a church you love and then join their mission.

True Love

Hidden in the midst of our long Iowa winters is the season of love: Valentine’s Day. It’s a time for chocolate and card companies to reap huge rewards as we focus on the significant others in our lives. Symbols like hearts and tiny cupids emphasize the importance of romantic love in our culture.  Beginning with the Valentine’s card you gave to your first crush, there is a constant push from society telling you that true happiness is only fulfilled when you…

Feeling Overwhelmed?

In a world filled with stress and anxiety, if you’re struggling to find any peace, you are not alone. Countless people right here in our community are wrestling with mental health challenges, and we believe God offers answers. God wants more for you, and in the Bible He offers solutions to quiet your racing mind and find victory over your anxious thoughts.

Location Details

205 S. Grand St. Chariton, Iowa 50049