

Lies to Stop Believing

If you are struggling with worry and anxiety, I encourage you to reject Satan’s lies and see the truth of God’s Word.

Anxious For Nothing

God wants good for you. If you are willing to fight this battle against anxiety, He promises to fight with you and bring you to the other side.

Easter Sunday

Whose Boy Is He? Have you ever been in a conversation with someone – usually someone a generation or two older than you – who starts describing people based on who their dads are? Or maybe you run into someone in the town you were raised in and people recognize your facial features and ask, “Are you so-and-so’s child?” I remember visiting my grandparents when I was little, and Grandma always gave my parents the lowdown about everyone in her…

Storytime with Jesus: The Great Banquet

Too often, Christians only invite people like them, or maybe people who are already Christians but who aren’t currently attending church or who are looking for a new church. But they make the safe invite. They invite “church folks”. They don’t think the guy covered with tattoos or the woman who cusses like a sailor would be interested in Jesus. But that’s the point of this parable.