Messages on Psalms

Messages on Psalms

God Is Sovereign

Series Recap We’re past the halfway point in our “God Is” series, so it’s time for a quick review of where we’ve been. God’s Sovereignty Defined “Sovereignty” isn’t a word we use often. It’s a word that describes the power, authority and position a ruler holds. The sovereignty of rulers enables them to exercise their will over their domains. In the United States, since we have duly elected officials with a purposefully crafted balance of powers, we don’t talk much…

God Is Infinite

Today it is my pleasure to kick off a new message series we’re calling “God is. . . .” Some of you may feel a little disappointed at going from such a practical series as “Anxious for Nothing” to one some of you might expect to be dry and boring. I understand any apprehension you may have. I’ll be using some big words from theology (the study of God) like “omnipotence” and “omniscience,” and maybe your eyes will start to…

Lies to Stop Believing

If you are struggling with worry and anxiety, I encourage you to reject Satan’s lies and see the truth of God’s Word.

Unseen Angels

People believe a lot of misinformation about angels. In this message, we look at what the Bible actually tells us about these supernatural beings God created before he ever created the world as his personal servants whose job is now to minister to us, his beloved creation. Engage in the Spiritual Battle In our continuing series on the Unseen spiritual realm, today was supposed to be Demon Week. However, since today is Mother’s Day, I thought that might be an…

Mental Health

So often when we think about Jesus coming to bring healing, we think of physical ailments, but do you realize Jesus also brings mental and emotional healing? The Bible shows us examples of people in deep depression, but they always trust God to bring them through. Message Today we end our series on the Mind of Christ by looking at a painful gap between the Mind of Christ and the mindset with which many Christians struggle. When we speak of…

Psalm 139

Kirk Irwin, a church elder, walks through this beautiful Psalm which depicts the intimate way God knows and cares for every single one of us.

Psalms of Praise

The end of the book of Psalms ends with a crescendo of praise to God for his character and his mighty deeds. In this message, Pastor Ryan walks through Psalm 145 to show how we should be like David and look for all the reasons we can praise and worship our God. Message: We’re nearing the end of our walk through the Psalms Greatest Hits and any Greatest Hits album must include the culmination of the book. So today I…

Imprecatory Psalms

Jesus tells us to love our enemies, but in the Psalms, David prays for God to bash in the teeth of his enemies. How can we as Christians understand curses for one’s enemy as seen in the Imprecatory Psalms against the love that Jesus teaches? And how does this all fit with Vladimir Putin and the war in Ukraine? Message: Previously in our “Greatest Hits” series we have looked at one chapter of Psalms at a time. Today we will…

Psalm 119

Laws, decrees, precepts, ways, and commands are not something most of us love to talk about. But this Psalmist is different. He wrote the longest book of the Bible on this very topic. Why did he love God’s written word so much, and what does it mean for our lives today? And yes, Jesus plays a major role! Message: For the past several weeks we’ve been focusing on “Israel’s Greatest Hits” – the songbook of the Hebrew people – the…
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