Messages on Isaiah

Messages on Isaiah

God Is Sovereign

Series Recap We’re past the halfway point in our “God Is” series, so it’s time for a quick review of where we’ve been. God’s Sovereignty Defined “Sovereignty” isn’t a word we use often. It’s a word that describes the power, authority and position a ruler holds. The sovereignty of rulers enables them to exercise their will over their domains. In the United States, since we have duly elected officials with a purposefully crafted balance of powers, we don’t talk much…

The Weapons Of War

In this cosmic battle between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Darkness, God has given us armor to protect ourselves from the fiery darts of our enemy. To safely engage in this battle, we must take the time to do some simple things to protect ourselves with this armor. Engage in the Spiritual Battle Today we continue our series regarding the unseen struggle between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Darkness. So far in this series:…

The Unseen Enemy

We may not think about it, but we are in a spiritual battle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual powers led by Satan himself who works to accuse, deceive, and tempt us in ways that destroy our relationship with God. By knowing his tactics, we are better able to defeat him. Unseen Enemy Today we continue our series on the Unseen. Even though we can’t see this realm with our eyes, it gives meaning and purpose to our…

Renewal of All Things

Looking at the world around us, full of hate, injustice, sickness, and war, it’s easy to lose hope. But God promised us that regardless of what we see with our eyes, one day he will restore all our mess into something beautiful and better than we can imagine. His original plan for a perfect world as he created in Eden will one day be restored to all of us who hold onto a hope in the one who promised.