Messages on Hebrews

Messages on Hebrews

God Is Relational

Today we continue our “God Is _____” series. If you have been paying attention, you may have noticed that some of the attributes of God’s character seem almost at odds with each other. If you recall, immediately after we talked about how God is holy, perfect and righteous, we also saw how God is loving, kind, compassionate and merciful. We see God as finite and totally unlike us; and yet in Genesis 2 the Bible tells us we are made in HIS image.

One Hundred Messages

Coming to church on Sundays to sit with your church family is about something much bigger than you. It’s all about God and His glory. As you sit in His presence you will find yourself changed.

Virtue Signals – Hope

We Christians can hold onto hope, even in the midst of all the negativity around us because we trust that God is in control. – No ruler has been put in power for whom God didn’t have a say. – No natural disaster has caught God by surprise. – COVID wasn’t unexpected, and all the results it brought were within God’s plan. God DOES have a plan that He will work right up until the day the trumpet sounds and time runs out for this earth.

Unseen Angels

People believe a lot of misinformation about angels. In this message, we look at what the Bible actually tells us about these supernatural beings God created before he ever created the world as his personal servants whose job is now to minister to us, his beloved creation. Engage in the Spiritual Battle In our continuing series on the Unseen spiritual realm, today was supposed to be Demon Week. However, since today is Mother’s Day, I thought that might be an…

Faith In The Unseen

Only 10% of an iceberg can be seen above water. In the same way, we can only see a tiny part of our reality with our physical eyes. Instead, so much lurks beneath the surface of the physical world we can see, touch, and measure. Unless we put our belief in the unseen world, much of our lives will never make sense. That’s where faith comes in – faith is believing in things unseen, because what is unseen actually makes…

The Gathered Church

When people hear the word “CHURCH” they often think of a building they go to or the service they attend. But the Greek word that we translate as “church” actually points to the people who gather. We don’t GO to church but we ARE the church. And this mindset shift has massive impacts for how involved a person in with their church. Jesus expects his followers to be participants and not spectators in their local church! Ekklesia = The Gathering…

The Lost Art of Bible Study

Many Christians want to follow Jesus, but they never make time to actually read God’s Word and see how Jesus lived. One of the Lost Arts of our day is to actually take the time to learn what is inside the Bible, to read it for ourselves and to put it into our hearts. If we are willing to do that, however, it will transform our lives. Message Coming Soon