Messages on 1 Corinthians

Messages on 1 Corinthians

Easter Sunday

Jesus is more than a man. He is the Son of God. The resurrection proves it; and because He lives, we can each hold onto the hope that we will too.

One Hundred Messages

Coming to church on Sundays to sit with your church family is about something much bigger than you. It’s all about God and His glory. As you sit in His presence you will find yourself changed.

Virtue Signals – Love

If we want to be Godly, to be representatives of God to this world, then the most important virtue we have to live out is that of love. And not the messed up, twisted and distorted version this world passes off as love

What Does Easter Mean To You?

Easter marks the resurrection of Jesus, his coming to new life and leaving the empty tomb behind. But more than a single event, Easter impacts our lives in the here and now and for all eternity. In this Easter message, Pastor Ryan discusses why everything had to happen this way, and what the resurrection proves about Jesus and about our eternity. Easter Today is Easter. Because of that, both here and at nearly every other church in the world, church…

Body of Christ

Nobody is supposed to follow Jesus alone. You need the church body and the church body needs you. The Body of Christ needs each part working properly. When each of us is doing our part, the whole body grows. You grow spiritually. We grow stronger as a church. Together we make a greater impact for our Head, Jesus Christ.

The Mind of Christ

The apostle Paul tells us that as Christians we have the mind of Christ, but what does that mean? How is the world’s way of thinking incompatible with a believers way of thinking and are the two sides really that far apart? Message Today we begin a new series of messages in which we will learn what it means to have, as 1 Corinthians 2:16 says, the “Mind of Christ.” Perhaps you have heard this phrase before, but have you…

All Things to All People

The apostle Paul teaches churches to contextualize the Gospel message by being flexible with ministry strategies while being firm on the message. This contextualization allows churches to reach their community in their culture with a Gospel that fits the people they are trying to reach. Unfortunately, the ministries and style that fit the people a church is seeking to win for Jesus is often different than the preferences of those within the church. But we are called to be lay…
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