Messages on Spiritual Growth
The Lord’s Prayer
Coming Soon!
Profound Prayers
Coming Soon!
A Problem of the Heart
We’ll explore why our words hold such power, the difficulty of controlling our speech, and how our hearts play a crucial role in what we say. As we wrap up, we’ll consider practical ways to guard our hearts and ensure our speech is life-giving.
What to Say and How to Say It
We’ll explore the impact of negative words such as gossip, slander, and sarcasm, and learn how to replace them with life-giving, encouraging, and comforting words. Discover how the “how” we communicate is just as crucial as the “what” we say.
Life or Death in the Tongue
From marketing slogans to personal conversations, words can build movements or cause harm. We’ll examine how even small words can have immense impact, reflecting on biblical teachings and real-life examples. Join us as we learn to use our words wisely and intentionally, transforming them into a source of life and encouragement.
Storytime with Jesus: The Good Samaritan
Our relationship with God is expressed through our relation with the people around us. We love God WHEN we love others well.
The Lost Art of Sabbath
We live in a world that tells us we need to always be producing. But God made us and knows that we need rest. Knowing we would never stop working, God commanded that we stop our work every 7 days and give him our time and attention. You would think we would all rejoice with the break, but it forces us to trust that God will provide for us even if we aren’t producing for ourselves. The Israelites First Rest…
The Lost Art of Fasting
Fasting is a spiritual discipline God offers us as a way to connect more closely and intimately with Him. It’s an opportunity to show him how serious we truly are about this issue in our life. So try adding fasting to the ways you connect with God and watch how that hunger in your stomach turns your senses towards complete dependance on Him. From Feasting to Fasting Last week we looked at the Spiritual Discipline of Celebration, and I have…
The Lost Art of Celebration
Many believe the Christian life is one of somber and serious quiet time with God. And while that is true for some of the spiritual disciplines, it has to be balanced with the joyous discipline of celebration. Jesus was a partier, and we should follow his example of demonstrating what God-honoring celebration looks and feels like. Not So Serious Today we continue to look at the spiritual disciplines that help deepen our relationship with God, but today’s discipline is very…
The Lost Art of Prayer
Christians know that prayer is an important part of their relationship with Jesus, but too often we allow our prayer lives to become tired lists of what you want God to do for you. In this message, you will learn a variety of different ways you can connect with Jesus through prayer to bring new life to your relationship with God. Prayer is the Basis for Relationship with God Today’s message is about the bedrock of every relationship: strong communication.…