"humility" Tagged Messages

"humility" Tagged Messages

Virtue Signals – Humility

Series Review Today we finish our series on Virtue Signals – those ways we demonstrate to the world around us that we live differently. If you missed any of those messages, I encourage you to watch or listen to them. You can find every one of our messages in video, audio, or readable version on the church website: firstbaptistchariton.com. Additionally, they are all posted to Facebook, YouTube, and Google or Apple Podcast. We try to make it really easy for…

Humble Like Jesus

Philippians 2 tells us to have the same mindset as Christ Jesus and then tells of his humility in coming down from heaven to die on a cross for us. But we can’t do that for others. So how can we be humble like Jesus? Surprisingly it begins with what we need to STOP doing, and that is bring prideful. Message Last week we began a brief series about what it means to have “The Mind of Christ” and how…