Messages on 1 John
I Am The True Vine
Jesus, the True Vine, teaches us to stay connected to Him for spiritual growth, godly character, and lasting fruit.
One Hundred Messages
Coming to church on Sundays to sit with your church family is about something much bigger than you. It’s all about God and His glory. As you sit in His presence you will find yourself changed.
Virtue Signals – Love
If we want to be Godly, to be representatives of God to this world, then the most important virtue we have to live out is that of love. And not the messed up, twisted and distorted version this world passes off as love
The Unseen Enemy
We may not think about it, but we are in a spiritual battle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual powers led by Satan himself who works to accuse, deceive, and tempt us in ways that destroy our relationship with God. By knowing his tactics, we are better able to defeat him. Unseen Enemy Today we continue our series on the Unseen. Even though we can’t see this realm with our eyes, it gives meaning and purpose to our…