Messages on 1 Samuel
I Am The Resurrection And The Life
Explore the hope Jesus offers as the Resurrection and the Life, bringing hope, purpose, and eternal life beyond death’s grasp.
I Am The Gate
Discover how Jesus, the Gate, opens the way to eternal life and abundance, offering protection, provision, and a personal relationship.
I Am The Bread Of Life
Explore Jesus as the Bread of Life, offering eternal fulfillment and satisfaction, challenging us to nourish our spiritual hunger through faith in Him.
I Am The Light Of The World
Explore Jesus as the Light of the World, guiding us through darkness, offering hope, truth, and life in a world full of despair.
David: An Ideal King
Explore the contrasting leadership of Saul and David, highlighting why David’s heart for God made him an ideal king, pointing to Jesus.
God: The Original King
Explore Jesus as the King of Kings in this Christmas series, reflecting on God’s eternal reign and grace amidst our rejection.