Messages on John (Page 2)

Messages on John (Page 2)

Virtue Signals – Love

If we want to be Godly, to be representatives of God to this world, then the most important virtue we have to live out is that of love. And not the messed up, twisted and distorted version this world passes off as love

Flawed Solomon

Of all the options this world affords us, only one thing matters – our relationship with God. Start it. Grow it. Hold on to it through your whole life. That’s the key to happiness.

Victory Is Assured

Today we wrap up our series on the Unseen – the battle being waged for our souls. Here’s a short recap: As you can see, we have explored many angles to this “Unseen” that many people choose to be naïve about. Usually a preacher will save the big idea of the message until the end. Today I’ll come right out and share it with you before we get started. This is the one thing I want everyone here to know…

The Unseen Enemy

We may not think about it, but we are in a spiritual battle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual powers led by Satan himself who works to accuse, deceive, and tempt us in ways that destroy our relationship with God. By knowing his tactics, we are better able to defeat him. Unseen Enemy Today we continue our series on the Unseen. Even though we can’t see this realm with our eyes, it gives meaning and purpose to our…

Open to Others

It’s one thing to maintain the relationships you already have, but another to live with an open heart ready to to extend kindness and friendship to strangers in your midst. Welcoming the stranger is better known as hospitality, and it is a skill we all need a refresher on. Throughout history Christians have been known as the most hospitable people and we need to reclaim that reputation in a world filled with lonely people. Message How do we become closer…

Our Guide

One of the main tasks of the Holy Spirit in our lives is to be a messenger between us and God. And in so doing, he guides us through our lives on the path God wants for us. Looking through scripture we see that the 4 main messages the Holy Spirit communicates are: (1) convict the world, (2) guide us to truth, (3) teach us wisdom, and (4) intercede on our behalf. The Message Today is Mother’s Day! Do you…

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Come along on a survey of Holy Spirit sightings across the pages of the entire Bible as we learn about who the Holy Spirit is based on his appearances in scripture. Most importantly, you will see that the Holy Spirit is God IN You – a gift you must treasure forever! Today we begin a new series called “Fresh Fire.” We want to answer the questions “Who is the Holy Spirit?” and “What does He do for Me?” The Holy…