Messages on Luke
Have Mercy On Me, A Sinner
In today’s sermon, we dive into one of Jesus’ parables from Luke 18:9-14, where a Pharisee and a tax collector come before God in prayer.
A Problem of the Heart
We’ll explore why our words hold such power, the difficulty of controlling our speech, and how our hearts play a crucial role in what we say. As we wrap up, we’ll consider practical ways to guard our hearts and ensure our speech is life-giving.
God Is Merciful
Do any of you remember a game called “Mercy”? You stood facing your opponent, locked fingers, and tried to bend back each other’s fingers until one of you couldn’t stand the pain and cried out, “Mercy.” At that point you proved your superior strength and, hopefully, stopped hurting your opponent.
Easter Sunday
Jesus is more than a man. He is the Son of God. The resurrection proves it; and because He lives, we can each hold onto the hope that we will too.
Storytime with Jesus: The Great Banquet
Too often, Christians only invite people like them, or maybe people who are already Christians but who aren’t currently attending church or who are looking for a new church. But they make the safe invite. They invite “church folks”. They don’t think the guy covered with tattoos or the woman who cusses like a sailor would be interested in Jesus. But that’s the point of this parable.
Storytime with Jesus: The Good Samaritan
Our relationship with God is expressed through our relation with the people around us. We love God WHEN we love others well.
Storytime with Jesus: The Rich Fool
It’s all God’s anyway. Once you truly believe that about every dollar in your pocket, it will transform how you spend each dollar.
Storytime With Jesus: The Unforgiving Servant
Perhaps your inability to forgive the debts of others shows that you fail to see the magnitude of the debts Jesus has forgiven you.
Storytime With Jesus: The Prodigal Son
Many of us have been on the receiving end of a bad brother attitude.
Storytime With Jesus: Lost Sheep
Our church is not a place for just Good People. It’s a place for ALL people, even the messy ones.
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