Messages on Romans

Messages on Romans

Have Mercy On Me, A Sinner

In today’s sermon, we dive into one of Jesus’ parables from Luke 18:9-14, where a Pharisee and a tax collector come before God in prayer.

A Problem of the Heart

We’ll explore why our words hold such power, the difficulty of controlling our speech, and how our hearts play a crucial role in what we say. As we wrap up, we’ll consider practical ways to guard our hearts and ensure our speech is life-giving.

God Is Missional

Today we add the final piece to the description of the character of God, one which is required based on all the other character traits.

God Is Sovereign

Series Recap We’re past the halfway point in our “God Is” series, so it’s time for a quick review of where we’ve been. God’s Sovereignty Defined “Sovereignty” isn’t a word we use often. It’s a word that describes the power, authority and position a ruler holds. The sovereignty of rulers enables them to exercise their will over their domains. In the United States, since we have duly elected officials with a purposefully crafted balance of powers, we don’t talk much…

Anxious For Nothing

God wants good for you. If you are willing to fight this battle against anxiety, He promises to fight with you and bring you to the other side.

Virtue Signals – Hope

We Christians can hold onto hope, even in the midst of all the negativity around us because we trust that God is in control. – No ruler has been put in power for whom God didn’t have a say. – No natural disaster has caught God by surprise. – COVID wasn’t unexpected, and all the results it brought were within God’s plan. God DOES have a plan that He will work right up until the day the trumpet sounds and time runs out for this earth.

Baptism Service

Baptism is an extremely important part of the life of a church, and not just for those who are being baptized.

Flawed Abraham

God has made thousands of promises to us in His word, but often we allow doubt to rob us of the peace that comes from trusting in these promises.

Flawed Adam

Many of us know we can never truly hide from God, but that doesn’t keep us from trying.
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