All Things New

All Things New

Discover how God renews our faith, church, and community—transforming brokenness into beauty. Join us for All Things New!

Renewal of All Things

Looking at the world around us, full of hate, injustice, sickness, and war, it’s easy to lose hope. But God promised us that regardless of what we see with our eyes, one day he will restore all our mess into something beautiful and better than we can imagine. His original plan for a perfect world as he created in Eden will one day be restored to all of us who hold onto a hope in the one who promised.

Community Renewal

When we think about Heaven, oftentimes we think about clouds and harps. But when Jesus speaks about the Kingdom of Heaven in the Gospel of Matthew, he speaks of God’s divine authority breaking into our world around us. As followers of Jesus we have the opportunity to join with God’s work in bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to our community.

Church Renewal

God works through the bride of Christ, His church to bring His Kingdom to the community around. As the church, we want to experience a fresh outpouring of the Spirit of God and be willing to be like a flexible new wineskin, open to new ways of doing ministry, as we are filled with the new wine of the Spirit.

Personal Renewal

I believe God wants to do something amazing in our community and in our church this year.  But he can’t do any of that through us if we don’t first experience a personal renewal of our faith and our passion for him.