Greatest Hits

Greatest Hits

Psalms: Greatest Hits explores some of the most powerful and beloved Psalms, revealing their deep truths about worship, faith, and God’s character. Dive into these timeless songs of praise, wisdom, and prayer.

Psalm 139

Kirk Irwin, a church elder, walks through this beautiful Psalm which depicts the intimate way God knows and cares for every single one of us.

Psalms of Praise

The end of the book of Psalms ends with a crescendo of praise to God for his character and his mighty deeds. In this message, Pastor Ryan walks through Psalm 145 to show how we should be like David and look for all the reasons we can praise and worship our God. Message: We’re nearing the end of our walk through the Psalms Greatest Hits and any Greatest Hits album must include the culmination of the book. So today I…

Imprecatory Psalms

Jesus tells us to love our enemies, but in the Psalms, David prays for God to bash in the teeth of his enemies. How can we as Christians understand curses for one’s enemy as seen in the Imprecatory Psalms against the love that Jesus teaches? And how does this all fit with Vladimir Putin and the war in Ukraine? Message: Previously in our “Greatest Hits” series we have looked at one chapter of Psalms at a time. Today we will…

Psalm 119

Laws, decrees, precepts, ways, and commands are not something most of us love to talk about. But this Psalmist is different. He wrote the longest book of the Bible on this very topic. Why did he love God’s written word so much, and what does it mean for our lives today? And yes, Jesus plays a major role! Message: For the past several weeks we’ve been focusing on “Israel’s Greatest Hits” – the songbook of the Hebrew people – the…

Psalm 23

Our most beloved Psalm can only be properly understood through the eyes of a Shepherd. Listen to what David was teaching us about God’s provision, protection, and care through this amazing Psalm. Psalm 23 through a Shepherd’s Eyes Today we continue our “Greatest Hits” series by focusing on the most popular of all the psalms – Psalm 23. This psalm is beloved and memorized by millions of Christians even though very few people of our century know what ancient shepherding…

Psalm 8

“O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!” This song of David points to the glorious reputation of God. Unfortunately, God’s reputation is no longer what it was – but as followers of Jesus, we have an opportunity to re-build the God’s reputation with those all around us. Message Have you ever thought about how a single photo or image can instantly bring a certain person to your mind? The person’s name, achievements, and successes…

Psalm 72

In this Psalm, we read a prayer of King Solomon that depicts what he views as a perfect kingdom. But more than a Utopian view of life, we read Psalm 72 as a picture of what God desires his Kingdom, the Kingdom of God to be like. Finding Utopia: In 1971 John Lennon, as a solo artist, released his best-selling song, “Imagine.” Imagine there’s no heaven. It’s easy if you try No hell below us, Above us only sky Imagine…

Psalm 1

The first Psalm in the psalter begins with an epilogue that gives us the basic principle that people who do what is right in the eyes of the Lord will have all they need to survive the challenges of life while those who follow the path of other sinners and scoffers will have greater difficulty and eventually be cut off from God. What is a Psalm? Today we start a new sermon series, “Greatest Hits,” based on popular psalms from…