The Power of Words

The Power of Words

A Problem of the Heart

We’ll explore why our words hold such power, the difficulty of controlling our speech, and how our hearts play a crucial role in what we say. As we wrap up, we’ll consider practical ways to guard our hearts and ensure our speech is life-giving.

What to Say and How to Say It

We’ll explore the impact of negative words such as gossip, slander, and sarcasm, and learn how to replace them with life-giving, encouraging, and comforting words. Discover how the “how” we communicate is just as crucial as the “what” we say.

Life or Death in the Tongue

From marketing slogans to personal conversations, words can build movements or cause harm. We’ll examine how even small words can have immense impact, reflecting on biblical teachings and real-life examples. Join us as we learn to use our words wisely and intentionally, transforming them into a source of life and encouragement.