Messages by Ryan Lenerz (Page 3)
The Lord’s Prayer
In this message, we explore how Jesus used “The Lord’s Prayer” as a model to teach His disciples—and us—how to pray. Just as we teach our children through examples and repetition, Jesus gives us this prayer to shape our conversations with God.
Profound Prayers
In this new series, “Profound Prayers,” we explore the meaning of blessings and how they reflect God’s favor and protection. We dive into Numbers 6:22-27, unpacking the Aaronic blessing and its relevance for us now, including the conditions tied to God’s blessings.
A Problem of the Heart
We’ll explore why our words hold such power, the difficulty of controlling our speech, and how our hearts play a crucial role in what we say. As we wrap up, we’ll consider practical ways to guard our hearts and ensure our speech is life-giving.
What to Say and How to Say It
We’ll explore the impact of negative words such as gossip, slander, and sarcasm, and learn how to replace them with life-giving, encouraging, and comforting words. Discover how the “how” we communicate is just as crucial as the “what” we say.
Life or Death in the Tongue
From marketing slogans to personal conversations, words can build movements or cause harm. We’ll examine how even small words can have immense impact, reflecting on biblical teachings and real-life examples. Join us as we learn to use our words wisely and intentionally, transforming them into a source of life and encouragement.
God Is Missional
Today we add the final piece to the description of the character of God, one which is required based on all the other character traits.
God Is Jealous
In this message, we explore a profound and often overlooked aspect of God’s character—His jealousy. Despite being clearly stated in the Bible over 20 times, this trait is frequently misunderstood. We delve into what it means for God to be “jealous,” clarifying the difference between jealousy and envy, and examining how God’s jealousy impacts our relationship with Him.
God Is Relational
Today we continue our “God Is _____” series. If you have been paying attention, you may have noticed that some of the attributes of God’s character seem almost at odds with each other. If you recall, immediately after we talked about how God is holy, perfect and righteous, we also saw how God is loving, kind, compassionate and merciful. We see God as finite and totally unlike us; and yet in Genesis 2 the Bible tells us we are made in HIS image.
God Is Sovereign
Series Recap We’re past the halfway point in our “God Is” series, so it’s time for a quick review of where we’ve been. God’s Sovereignty Defined “Sovereignty” isn’t a word we use often. It’s a word that describes the power, authority and position a ruler holds. The sovereignty of rulers enables them to exercise their will over their domains. In the United States, since we have duly elected officials with a purposefully crafted balance of powers, we don’t talk much…
God Is Merciful
Do any of you remember a game called “Mercy”? You stood facing your opponent, locked fingers, and tried to bend back each other’s fingers until one of you couldn’t stand the pain and cried out, “Mercy.” At that point you proved your superior strength and, hopefully, stopped hurting your opponent.