"Discipline" Tagged Messages

"Discipline" Tagged Messages

The Lost Art of Sabbath

We live in a world that tells us we need to always be producing. But God made us and knows that we need rest. Knowing we would never stop working, God commanded that we stop our work every 7 days and give him our time and attention. You would think we would all rejoice with the break, but it forces us to trust that God will provide for us even if we aren’t producing for ourselves. The Israelites First Rest…

The Lost Art of Fasting

Fasting is a spiritual discipline God offers us as a way to connect more closely and intimately with Him. It’s an opportunity to show him how serious we truly are about this issue in our life. So try adding fasting to the ways you connect with God and watch how that hunger in your stomach turns your senses towards complete dependance on Him. From Feasting to Fasting Last week we looked at the Spiritual Discipline of Celebration, and I have…

The Lost Art of Bible Study

Many Christians want to follow Jesus, but they never make time to actually read God’s Word and see how Jesus lived. One of the Lost Arts of our day is to actually take the time to learn what is inside the Bible, to read it for ourselves and to put it into our hearts. If we are willing to do that, however, it will transform our lives. Message Coming Soon

Solitude and Silence

In our new series about the Lost Arts of spiritual discipline, we first look at the foundation of so many ways we connect with God – by putting away distractions and finding silence and solitude so we can hear God’s quiet whisper. Finding Stronger Connections With God Today we start a new series building on the great message Kirk gave last week. He encouraged us to make some New Year’s Resolutions to use four practices to help build a stronger…