"Faith" Tagged Messages

"Faith" Tagged Messages

Storytime with Jesus: The Great Banquet

Too often, Christians only invite people like them, or maybe people who are already Christians but who aren’t currently attending church or who are looking for a new church. But they make the safe invite. They invite “church folks”. They don’t think the guy covered with tattoos or the woman who cusses like a sailor would be interested in Jesus. But that’s the point of this parable.

And Then There Was Silence

We can never say we haven’t heard from God in years.  Because God still speaks to each of us – not through a single prophet to the entire nation – but by his very Spirit to each one of us individually.

God Wants Your Whole Heart

In the time of Malachi, much like today, many people’s love for God had grown cold.  They were trying to serve him, without it actually costing them much at all.  They wanted to live their lives on their terms AND receive God’s blessing. 

Tithes And Offerings

How much money should you give to your church? The word,“tithe” means a tenth and is part of the law of Moses. But does that mean that today we are supposed to give 10% of what we make each year to the church? In this message we explore how the tithe and generosity apply to Christians today.

Virtue Signals – Hope

We Christians can hold onto hope, even in the midst of all the negativity around us because we trust that God is in control. – No ruler has been put in power for whom God didn’t have a say. – No natural disaster has caught God by surprise. – COVID wasn’t unexpected, and all the results it brought were within God’s plan. God DOES have a plan that He will work right up until the day the trumpet sounds and time runs out for this earth.

Flawed Peter

Peter, one of Jesus’ closest disciples, is an important leader in the early church, yet his story is filled with moments where he disappoints Jesus. And this is good news because we all disappoint Jesus.

Faith In The Unseen

Only 10% of an iceberg can be seen above water. In the same way, we can only see a tiny part of our reality with our physical eyes. Instead, so much lurks beneath the surface of the physical world we can see, touch, and measure. Unless we put our belief in the unseen world, much of our lives will never make sense. That’s where faith comes in – faith is believing in things unseen, because what is unseen actually makes…