"Jesus" Tagged Messages

"Jesus" Tagged Messages

The Virgin Mother

The fact that Jesus was conceived in the power of the Holy Spirit by a virgin as incredible implications for this God-man who is the perfect intersection of heaven and earth. How Babies are Made Today we are going back to high school. To high school health class. To a topic that made the kids giggle. The topic that made me hang out in the library for a week because my mom exempted me from it. SEX ED. I’m guessing…

The Passover

The 10th and final plague, the death of the first born, only impacted the Egyptians because God passed over the Israelites who sprinkled the blood of a perfect lamb over their door posts. This foreshadowed the work of Jesus, the spotless lamb of God who covers the sin of humanity for all who put his blood over the door posts of their heart. The Message I love the song “Hallelujah, Praise the Lamb”; but have you ever wondered how weird…