"Relationship" Tagged Messages

"Relationship" Tagged Messages

I Am The Good Shepherd

Discover Jesus as the Good Shepherd protecting, offering sacrificial love, and challenging us to follow His example of servant leadership

A Problem of the Heart

We’ll explore why our words hold such power, the difficulty of controlling our speech, and how our hearts play a crucial role in what we say. As we wrap up, we’ll consider practical ways to guard our hearts and ensure our speech is life-giving.

Justice Of God

The God of the Bible, the One we worship, has proven to be just. Even when things don’t seem to make sense from our own perspective we must trust that the eternal, holy, perfect God is fair and working in ways where everything will be made right.

Flawed Solomon

Of all the options this world affords us, only one thing matters – our relationship with God. Start it. Grow it. Hold on to it through your whole life. That’s the key to happiness.

Flawed David

The beauty of this story is how it shows God’s willingness to forgive anyone, regardless of what you have done.

Temple of God

The very presence of God no longer resides in any special location on this earth, but the Bible tells us that instead the church, the gathering of Jesus’ followers, makes up his home on this earth. So rather than going to where God dwells, God has chosen to dwell among his people. This truth is what makes the church sacred and holy to God. Temple Today we conclude our series on the church, the Ekklesia, the gathered people of God.…

Bride of Christ

Weddings are a beautiful ceremony of commitment and joy. They demonstrate the passionate love relationship between the bride and the groom. So when the Bible teaches that Jesus is the bridegroom and the church is the bride and the two will be united on the last day at the wedding supper of the lamb, we should take note of all the implications.
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