Messages from June 2024

Messages from June 2024

God Is Merciful

Do any of you remember a game called “Mercy”? You stood facing your opponent, locked fingers, and tried to bend back each other’s fingers until one of you couldn’t stand the pain and cried out, “Mercy.” At that point you proved your superior strength and, hopefully, stopped hurting your opponent.

God Is Holy

God is Holy. That’s not a word we typically use. It means that he is perfect, without defect, flaw, or failure. He is supreme in every way. He is wholy other. And yet, because we worship a Holy God, we are called to live like him, as his holy people.

God is Immutable

The Study of God Today we continue our series on the nature and character of God. As I prepare these messages and chew on these attributes, I find that sometimes my mind seems to be doing acrobatics as I try to understand things that are seemingly incomprehensible. Charles Spurgeon said, “No subject of contemplation will tend more to humble the mind, than thoughts of God.” In wrestling with the vastness of God – a deity who is, in a sense,…

God Is Infinite

Today it is my pleasure to kick off a new message series we’re calling “God is. . . .” Some of you may feel a little disappointed at going from such a practical series as “Anxious for Nothing” to one some of you might expect to be dry and boring. I understand any apprehension you may have. I’ll be using some big words from theology (the study of God) like “omnipotence” and “omniscience,” and maybe your eyes will start to…