Messages from October 2024

Messages from October 2024

Esther 2: Esther and Mordecai

In this message, we explored Esther Chapter 2, where we meet Esther and her cousin Mordecai amid the backdrop of King Xerxes’ impulsive decision to remove Queen Vashti. This chapter emphasizes that God’s work spans a lifetime, teaching us that our struggles are part of a larger divine plan. After realizing his regret for his hasty actions, Xerxes seeks a new queen, leading to Esther being chosen due to her beauty and willingness to follow the advice of Hegai and Mordecai. Additionally, Mordecai uncovers and alerts Esther of a conspiracy against the king, demonstrating respect for authority. The repeated themes of Esther “being taken” and “winning favor” illustrate how God orchestrates events in our lives, reminding us that even in challenging circumstances, we can trust that He is in control and working for our good.

Esther 1: Power Plays

In the sermon on Esther 1, the series “The Hidden Hand of God” was introduced, emphasizing the story’s importance, especially for Jews celebrating Purim. The chapter reveals the opulent display of power by King Xerxes, who, after a lengthy banquet, drunkenly demands his queen, Vashti, to show herself to his guests, possibly in a demeaning way. When she refuses, it challenges his authority, exposing the limitations of his power. The king, unsure how to respond, consults his nobles who exacerbate the situation by recommending a royal edict which removes Vashti as queen and demands that all women respect their husbands. The sermon contrasts Xerxes’ oppressive rule with Jesus’ model of servant leadership, advocating for earning respect through genuine care and sacrifice. It concludes by suggesting that even chaotic events can align with God’s plan, setting the stage for Esther’s pivotal role in the story. Ultimately, the message is about trusting God’s workings in our lives, even when the path seems disjointed.

Come Lord Jesus

Today we finish our series on Profound Prayers; and, as I like to do, I’ll give you a quick review of the prayers we’ve covered over the past few weeks. As you remember these sermons from the past few weeks, you may notice that this series was not about giving you a pattern to follow. The Bible doesn’t give us a cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all pattern for every prayer. Yes, the Lord’s Prayer is a model but we still don’t pray it…

Forgive Them

In Kids’ Church today, our children will begin a series in which they wlll learn about the life of job, and how God was with job even in the middle of his suffering. Did I say “job”? I meant “Job.” Forgive me, please. I hope you have all forgiven me for this minor error. After all, I didn’t actually inflict any real pain on any of you. Mea culpa. But what if, when we are leaving today, I backed into…