Messages (Page 12)

Messages (Page 12)

Be Nice

A first step in strengthening relationships is simple kindness. Everyone knows that, but few actually live it out every day, towards every person. Instead we pick and choose who to love and who to loathe. The Bible teaches us to love our neighbor as ourselves and we don’t get to pick who our neighbor is. Message Do you know the secret of getting people to like you? Be nice to them! This sounds simple, but do you realize how all-encompassing…

Open to Others

It’s one thing to maintain the relationships you already have, but another to live with an open heart ready to to extend kindness and friendship to strangers in your midst. Welcoming the stranger is better known as hospitality, and it is a skill we all need a refresher on. Throughout history Christians have been known as the most hospitable people and we need to reclaim that reputation in a world filled with lonely people. Message How do we become closer…

Wired for Relationship

While we might like to think we can live as an island or connect with God without being a part of a church, the truth is, we can’t. We were wired for connection by our Maker, because he is a relational God and so he made us for relationship. Message When people talk about being in relationships, we often jump to thoughts of romance, but everyone has a lot more non-romantic than romantic relationships. The question is, are all those…

Mental Health

So often when we think about Jesus coming to bring healing, we think of physical ailments, but do you realize Jesus also brings mental and emotional healing? The Bible shows us examples of people in deep depression, but they always trust God to bring them through. Message Today we end our series on the Mind of Christ by looking at a painful gap between the Mind of Christ and the mindset with which many Christians struggle. When we speak of…

Humble Like Jesus

Philippians 2 tells us to have the same mindset as Christ Jesus and then tells of his humility in coming down from heaven to die on a cross for us. But we can’t do that for others. So how can we be humble like Jesus? Surprisingly it begins with what we need to STOP doing, and that is bring prideful. Message Last week we began a brief series about what it means to have “The Mind of Christ” and how…

The Mind of Christ

The apostle Paul tells us that as Christians we have the mind of Christ, but what does that mean? How is the world’s way of thinking incompatible with a believers way of thinking and are the two sides really that far apart? Message Today we begin a new series of messages in which we will learn what it means to have, as 1 Corinthians 2:16 says, the “Mind of Christ.” Perhaps you have heard this phrase before, but have you…

All Things to All People

The apostle Paul teaches churches to contextualize the Gospel message by being flexible with ministry strategies while being firm on the message. This contextualization allows churches to reach their community in their culture with a Gospel that fits the people they are trying to reach. Unfortunately, the ministries and style that fit the people a church is seeking to win for Jesus is often different than the preferences of those within the church. But we are called to be lay…

Mission Trip Update

Our youth went to Nashville to serve the community through Group Mission Trips from July 31 – August 6. Hear about what they did on the trip and how God moved in their lives.

Psalm 139

Kirk Irwin, a church elder, walks through this beautiful Psalm which depicts the intimate way God knows and cares for every single one of us.

Psalms of Praise

The end of the book of Psalms ends with a crescendo of praise to God for his character and his mighty deeds. In this message, Pastor Ryan walks through Psalm 145 to show how we should be like David and look for all the reasons we can praise and worship our God. Message: We’re nearing the end of our walk through the Psalms Greatest Hits and any Greatest Hits album must include the culmination of the book. So today I…