The Value of Hands
In this message, one of our elders, Dr. Larry Hirschy explores the topic of “hands” as seen throughout the pages of scripture. Ultimately, as followers of Jesus, we are now the hands of Christ to make a difference in this world.
The Spirit Led Life
Many people think Christianity is just a bunch of rules to follow, but Jesus actually died on the cross so we could be set free from all the rules. But if we don’t have rules to follow, how can we know how to live? By the Spirit of God who acts as our guide in every moment of every day. This message from Galatians shows us how we are to walk in step with the Spirit. Rules Don’t Work Have…
Our Gift Giver
In 4 different places the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit gives believers special gifts as He determines. In this message we look at those spiritual gifts and why different groups of Christians work off of different lists. But regardless of where you stand on the supernatural gifts, the Spirit has placed a gift in you and wants you to use it for God’s glory. * To view all the slides from the message, including the list of all…
Our Guide
One of the main tasks of the Holy Spirit in our lives is to be a messenger between us and God. And in so doing, he guides us through our lives on the path God wants for us. Looking through scripture we see that the 4 main messages the Holy Spirit communicates are: (1) convict the world, (2) guide us to truth, (3) teach us wisdom, and (4) intercede on our behalf. The Message Today is Mother’s Day! Do you…
Our Guarantee
The difference between a Christian and a non-Christian is much deeper than beliefs or behavior. The Bible tells us that the difference is that a Christian has the Holy Spirit put inside their heart as a guarantee of the inheritance God promises – Heaven! This message unpacks the confidence Christians can have that God seals us as his forever when he puts His Spirit inside us.
Who is the Holy Spirit?
Come along on a survey of Holy Spirit sightings across the pages of the entire Bible as we learn about who the Holy Spirit is based on his appearances in scripture. Most importantly, you will see that the Holy Spirit is God IN You – a gift you must treasure forever! Today we begin a new series called “Fresh Fire.” We want to answer the questions “Who is the Holy Spirit?” and “What does He do for Me?” The Holy…
An Easter Exodus
Have you ever noticed the similarities between the Exodus of Israel and the Resurrection of Jesus? Where the Israelites looked to the Exodus story as the moment God save them, Jesus came and made a new salvation story, one that set all of humanity free from sin and brought us into an eternal promised land with Jesus as our King! I love the hope and excitement of Easter and its focus on life and salvation! Good Friday is dark and…
The Passover
The 10th and final plague, the death of the first born, only impacted the Egyptians because God passed over the Israelites who sprinkled the blood of a perfect lamb over their door posts. This foreshadowed the work of Jesus, the spotless lamb of God who covers the sin of humanity for all who put his blood over the door posts of their heart. The Message I love the song “Hallelujah, Praise the Lamb”; but have you ever wondered how weird…
The Plagues
Many of us have heard the story of the plagues of Egypt but most of us miss what God is teaching the Israelites and the Egyptians about himself. More importantly, there are lessons for us today about who God is and how he relates to humanity. The Message The early chapters of Exodus read like an epic adventure; and today we begin the climax of the story – the final encounter between the hero and the villain, God and Pharaoh.…
God’s Sovereignty
Have you ever wondered what the Bible meant when it says that “God hardened Pharaoh’s heart”? In this message, we take a look at what that important phrase means in the Exodus story and how we can avoid having hard, stubborn hearts like Pharaoh. The Message Today we come to a slow-down in the action in the book of Exodus. Between where we ended last week (Exodus 6:12) and where we will pick up next week (Exodus 7:8), we read a…