Messages (Page 15)

Messages (Page 15)

The Plagues

Many of us have heard the story of the plagues of Egypt but most of us miss what God is teaching the Israelites and the Egyptians about himself. More importantly, there are lessons for us today about who God is and how he relates to humanity. The Message The early chapters of Exodus read like an epic adventure; and today we begin the climax of the story – the final encounter between the hero and the villain, God and Pharaoh.…

God’s Sovereignty

Have you ever wondered what the Bible meant when it says that “God hardened Pharaoh’s heart”? In this message, we take a look at what that important phrase means in the Exodus story and how we can avoid having hard, stubborn hearts like Pharaoh. The Message Today we come to a slow-down in the action in the book of Exodus. Between where we ended last week (Exodus 6:12) and where we will pick up next week (Exodus 7:8), we read a…

Responding to “No”

In Exodus 5, The Israelites were excited to hear God was going to set them free, but instantly became upset when Pharaoh said “NO” and then increased their work load. Sadly, we often do the same thing; we are so happy with God when we feel like his hand of blessing is on our life but then mad at him at the first sign of adversity. We must learn how to respond when life doesn’t play out how we hoped.…

Circumcision Matters

Some parts of the Bible are unsavory and some stories leave us scratching our head. Today’s story about God wanting to kill Moses right after calling him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt is one of those stories. And even stranger, the entire story is centered on circumcision. But with a surprise twist, looking at other parts of the Bible we see that God has always desired a “circumcision of the heart.” What does this mean? It means God…

Evil King Manasseh

Burt Beals shares about the evil inside a person’s heart and how God is in the business of redeeming us from that evil.

Moses’ Reluctance

It’s an honor for God to be willing to work through us, yet we so often find excuses to say NO to God. That’s the story of God calling Moses to lead his people out of Egypt, and more often than not, that’s the story of our lives. Let’s learn to instead say YES to God and stop with the excuses!

God’s Plan

God heard the cries of the Israelites due to their suffering under the Egyptian oppression and responded by meeting Moses at a burning bush and telling him the plan to rescue His children. Most importantly, it’s a plan of rescue and victory that still applies to every single one of us.

God’s Man

After fulfilling his promise to create a nation through Abraham, God raises up a man, Moses, to set His people free. This week we look at the early life of Moses from Exodus 2 and see how God prepares us for whatever he calls us to do as well.

God’s Faithfulness

On the surface, the beginning of the book of Exodus appears to be about Pharaoh’s efforts to eliminate the Israelites in Egypt. But behind the text we see God is at work in fulfilling his promise to Abraham, to create a nation of people as numerous as the stars in the sky. And Pharaoh’s actions can’t stop God.

Renewal of All Things

Looking at the world around us, full of hate, injustice, sickness, and war, it’s easy to lose hope. But God promised us that regardless of what we see with our eyes, one day he will restore all our mess into something beautiful and better than we can imagine. His original plan for a perfect world as he created in Eden will one day be restored to all of us who hold onto a hope in the one who promised.