"Christmas" Tagged Messages
I Am The Bread Of Life
Explore Jesus as the Bread of Life, offering eternal fulfillment and satisfaction, challenging us to nourish our spiritual hunger through faith in Him.
The King Of Kings
Discover Jesus the King of Kings, fulfilling prophecy, offering peace, and bringing hope amid life’s chaos in this powerful sermon.
David: An Ideal King
Explore the contrasting leadership of Saul and David, highlighting why David’s heart for God made him an ideal king, pointing to Jesus.
God: The Original King
Explore Jesus as the King of Kings in this Christmas series, reflecting on God’s eternal reign and grace amidst our rejection.
The Virgin Mother
The fact that Jesus was conceived in the power of the Holy Spirit by a virgin as incredible implications for this God-man who is the perfect intersection of heaven and earth. How Babies are Made Today we are going back to high school. To high school health class. To a topic that made the kids giggle. The topic that made me hang out in the library for a week because my mom exempted me from it. SEX ED. I’m guessing…
Too Many Kings
The Christmas story includes numerous kings, with only one who rules over them all. In this message we look at how these men of power respond to the King sent by God and how we might respond to Him either like the magi who bow and worship or like King Herod who is disturbed and attacks. King of Our Castles Today we look at another group of “unlikely characters” who appear in the Christmas story. But first, let me ask…
Lowly Shepherds
The proclamation of the birth of Jesus was not first made to kings or religious elites, but to those outside the community – a group of shepherds watching their sheep at night. This important piece of the Christmas story teaches us that God’s heart has always been for the outsiders, and it still is today. BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS Today we’ll talk about the “unlikely characters” who received the very first proclamation of the birth of Jesus. Other than those in the…
Zechariah and Elizabeth
While Christmas is supposed to be a time of celebration, for many it is a reminder of all the disappointments and unmet expectations of another year. In fact, that’s the exact feeling of the unlikely characters who open the story of Jesus’ birth. Rather than beginning with Jesus, the Gospel of Luke opens with a focus on an old couple who was unable to have children. But why? People Can Surprise You We start our new Christmas series today by…
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