"creation" Tagged Messages

"creation" Tagged Messages

The Cosmic Drama

If you want to understand what God is doing in your life, you have to understand the bigger story God is writing. This Cosmic Drama is detailed through the pages of the Bible and when we understand where our lives fit in this much larger story, it gives us answers to some of life’s most daunting questions. When You Don’t Know the Whole Story Have you ever walked into a room where someone is watching television and sat down partway…

Wired for Relationship

While we might like to think we can live as an island or connect with God without being a part of a church, the truth is, we can’t. We were wired for connection by our Maker, because he is a relational God and so he made us for relationship. Message When people talk about being in relationships, we often jump to thoughts of romance, but everyone has a lot more non-romantic than romantic relationships. The question is, are all those…