"prayer" Tagged Messages

"prayer" Tagged Messages

The Lost Art of Celebration

Many believe the Christian life is one of somber and serious quiet time with God. And while that is true for some of the spiritual disciplines, it has to be balanced with the joyous discipline of celebration. Jesus was a partier, and we should follow his example of demonstrating what God-honoring celebration looks and feels like. Not So Serious Today we continue to look at the spiritual disciplines that help deepen our relationship with God, but today’s discipline is very…

The Lost Art of Prayer

Christians know that prayer is an important part of their relationship with Jesus, but too often we allow our prayer lives to become tired lists of what you want God to do for you. In this message, you will learn a variety of different ways you can connect with Jesus through prayer to bring new life to your relationship with God. Prayer is the Basis for Relationship with God Today’s message is about the bedrock of every relationship: strong communication.…

God’s Plan

God heard the cries of the Israelites due to their suffering under the Egyptian oppression and responded by meeting Moses at a burning bush and telling him the plan to rescue His children. Most importantly, it’s a plan of rescue and victory that still applies to every single one of us.