"sin" Tagged Messages

"sin" Tagged Messages

Life After Death – Hell

If we are comfortable with our own lives and the things of this earth, then we will be indifferent to the eternal destiny of others; and that’s exactly the way our enemy wants it.

Flawed Adam

Many of us know we can never truly hide from God, but that doesn’t keep us from trying.

Flawed David

The beauty of this story is how it shows God’s willingness to forgive anyone, regardless of what you have done.

The Weapons Of War

In this cosmic battle between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Darkness, God has given us armor to protect ourselves from the fiery darts of our enemy. To safely engage in this battle, we must take the time to do some simple things to protect ourselves with this armor. Engage in the Spiritual Battle Today we continue our series regarding the unseen struggle between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Darkness. So far in this series:…

The Unseen Enemy

We may not think about it, but we are in a spiritual battle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual powers led by Satan himself who works to accuse, deceive, and tempt us in ways that destroy our relationship with God. By knowing his tactics, we are better able to defeat him. Unseen Enemy Today we continue our series on the Unseen. Even though we can’t see this realm with our eyes, it gives meaning and purpose to our…

The Cosmic Drama

If you want to understand what God is doing in your life, you have to understand the bigger story God is writing. This Cosmic Drama is detailed through the pages of the Bible and when we understand where our lives fit in this much larger story, it gives us answers to some of life’s most daunting questions. When You Don’t Know the Whole Story Have you ever walked into a room where someone is watching television and sat down partway…

Humble Like Jesus

Philippians 2 tells us to have the same mindset as Christ Jesus and then tells of his humility in coming down from heaven to die on a cross for us. But we can’t do that for others. So how can we be humble like Jesus? Surprisingly it begins with what we need to STOP doing, and that is bring prideful. Message Last week we began a brief series about what it means to have “The Mind of Christ” and how…

The Mind of Christ

The apostle Paul tells us that as Christians we have the mind of Christ, but what does that mean? How is the world’s way of thinking incompatible with a believers way of thinking and are the two sides really that far apart? Message Today we begin a new series of messages in which we will learn what it means to have, as 1 Corinthians 2:16 says, the “Mind of Christ.” Perhaps you have heard this phrase before, but have you…

Psalm 1

The first Psalm in the psalter begins with an epilogue that gives us the basic principle that people who do what is right in the eyes of the Lord will have all they need to survive the challenges of life while those who follow the path of other sinners and scoffers will have greater difficulty and eventually be cut off from God. What is a Psalm? Today we start a new sermon series, “Greatest Hits,” based on popular psalms from…