God Wants Your Whole Heart
In the time of Malachi, much like today, many people’s love for God had grown cold. They were trying to serve him, without it actually costing them much at all. They wanted to live their lives on their terms AND receive God’s blessing.
Tithes And Offerings
How much money should you give to your church? The word,“tithe” means a tenth and is part of the law of Moses. But does that mean that today we are supposed to give 10% of what we make each year to the church? In this message we explore how the tithe and generosity apply to Christians today.
Justice Of God
The God of the Bible, the One we worship, has proven to be just. Even when things don’t seem to make sense from our own perspective we must trust that the eternal, holy, perfect God is fair and working in ways where everything will be made right.
Marriage And Divorce
If you want your marriage to go where you want it to go, you need to find a partner who matches your faith and values.
Dishonoring God
If we are a living sacrifice, then He desires our obedience to true instruction. We must honor Him with our very lives and not just our lips.
How Have You Loved Us
Just like the Israelites, it’s easy to miss God’s love if you don’t know what you’re looking for.
Virtue Signals – Humility
Series Review Today we finish our series on Virtue Signals – those ways we demonstrate to the world around us that we live differently. If you missed any of those messages, I encourage you to watch or listen to them. You can find every one of our messages in video, audio, or readable version on the church website: firstbaptistchariton.com. Additionally, they are all posted to Facebook, YouTube, and Google or Apple Podcast. We try to make it really easy for…
Virtue Signals – Truth
The Erosion of Trust and Truth Today we consider yet another signal Christians must shine out into this dark world: Truth. The world needs Truth! Truth is a much more interesting topic today than perhaps 30 years ago because truth is rooted in trust, and trust has completely eroded in our culture. Years ago, if your doctor told you something, it was true. You didn’t research mRNA vaccinations online or worry about giving your child autism. When the polio vaccine…
Virtue Signals – Grace
In Christianity, God reached down toward humanity and gave himself as a sacrifice so we could be in relationship with Him. That’s God’s Grace – the Good News of the Gospel. The problem is, many non-Christians don’t see grace when they look at Christians. Instead, Christians are often viewed as Judgmental and Angry.
Virtue Signals – Love
If we want to be Godly, to be representatives of God to this world, then the most important virtue we have to live out is that of love. And not the messed up, twisted and distorted version this world passes off as love