Messages on Wisdom

Messages on Wisdom

God Wants Your Whole Heart

In the time of Malachi, much like today, many people’s love for God had grown cold.  They were trying to serve him, without it actually costing them much at all.  They wanted to live their lives on their terms AND receive God’s blessing. 

Tithes And Offerings

How much money should you give to your church? The word,“tithe” means a tenth and is part of the law of Moses. But does that mean that today we are supposed to give 10% of what we make each year to the church? In this message we explore how the tithe and generosity apply to Christians today.

Baptism Service

Baptism is an extremely important part of the life of a church, and not just for those who are being baptized.

Flawed Solomon

Of all the options this world affords us, only one thing matters – our relationship with God. Start it. Grow it. Hold on to it through your whole life. That’s the key to happiness.