Messages on John

Messages on John

I Am The Good Shepherd

Discover Jesus as the Good Shepherd protecting, offering sacrificial love, and challenging us to follow His example of servant leadership


As we approach election season, we’re surrounded by division—whether it’s politics, social issues, or even personal preferences. In today’s message, we dive into the topic of unity, not just as a goal for our nation but as a calling for every believer. Even in a world that seems increasingly polarized, Jesus’ prayer for unity in John 17 reminds us of our deeper purpose: to be ONE, just as He and the Father are one. Join us as we explore the real meaning of unity, how to navigate differences with grace, and how seeking Jesus brings us closer to each other. Whether it’s in marriage, friendships, or church communities, the path to unity starts with moving toward Christ.

Life or Death in the Tongue

From marketing slogans to personal conversations, words can build movements or cause harm. We’ll examine how even small words can have immense impact, reflecting on biblical teachings and real-life examples. Join us as we learn to use our words wisely and intentionally, transforming them into a source of life and encouragement.

God Is Missional

Today we add the final piece to the description of the character of God, one which is required based on all the other character traits.

God Is Relational

Today we continue our “God Is _____” series. If you have been paying attention, you may have noticed that some of the attributes of God’s character seem almost at odds with each other. If you recall, immediately after we talked about how God is holy, perfect and righteous, we also saw how God is loving, kind, compassionate and merciful. We see God as finite and totally unlike us; and yet in Genesis 2 the Bible tells us we are made in HIS image.

Lies to Stop Believing

If you are struggling with worry and anxiety, I encourage you to reject Satan’s lies and see the truth of God’s Word.

Anxious For Nothing

God wants good for you. If you are willing to fight this battle against anxiety, He promises to fight with you and bring you to the other side.

Easter Sunday

Jesus is more than a man. He is the Son of God. The resurrection proves it; and because He lives, we can each hold onto the hope that we will too.

Virtue Signals – Grace

In Christianity, God reached down toward humanity and gave himself as a sacrifice so we could be in relationship with Him. That’s God’s Grace – the Good News of the Gospel. The problem is, many non-Christians don’t see grace when they look at Christians. Instead, Christians are often viewed as Judgmental and Angry.