Messages by Ryan Lenerz

Messages by Ryan Lenerz

The Paraclete

Discover the Holy Spirit, our Advocate, who guides, convicts, and empowers us to live fully in God’s presence.

Pass The Baton

Pass the baton—know Jesus, trust Him, and continue His mission. Faith isn’t about proof but believing and living out His work.

Jesus Is The Way Home

Jesus is the Way, Truth, and Life—our true guide through life’s twists and turns. Follow Him to find the path home.

I Am The True Vine

Jesus, the True Vine, teaches us to stay connected to Him for spiritual growth, godly character, and lasting fruit.

I Am The Good Shepherd

Discover Jesus as the Good Shepherd protecting, offering sacrificial love, and challenging us to follow His example of servant leadership

I Am The Gate

Discover how Jesus, the Gate, opens the way to eternal life and abundance, offering protection, provision, and a personal relationship.

I Am The Bread Of Life

Explore Jesus as the Bread of Life, offering eternal fulfillment and satisfaction, challenging us to nourish our spiritual hunger through faith in Him.

The King Of Kings

Discover Jesus the King of Kings, fulfilling prophecy, offering peace, and bringing hope amid life’s chaos in this powerful sermon.